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“不止自然” | 骨子里的云间之美:上海凯悦...



  • 2021
  • “七彩童趣” | 心灵深处的斑斓之美:深圳太子湾小学景观改造



    —— 托·坎贝尔

    The rainbow is like a midway stop between the world and heaven,happy elves go up and down specifically. "

    —— Tor Campbell


    Everyone has a colorful childhood deep in their hearts. Childhood only when it appears in the memory does it become so perfect. The campus is a window to this colorful world, and it is also the happiest and most memorable. Draw a rainbow for each child's growth, and perceive the world from a light.


    With the baptism of a new round of this century, Shenzhen has become the core engine of the world-class Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA), entering the ranks of global cities, and has a global affect. Qianhai has become the core area of Shenzhen’s central development driven by the GBA. The era campus we renovated-Prince Bay School , is located here


    The plot is close to Shenzhen "Sea World" business district,near Nanshan, Nanhai, Prince Bay Cruise Home Port, Museum and the Shenzhen Bay Port, to be a whole, in the center of Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone District, Shenzhen Bay Area, and Prince Bay Cruise Port 




    To understand space, we activate the transmission of education from the perspective of function, integrate children of this age to explore unknown enlightening themes, cultivate comprehensive benevolence, cognition, interest and belief, and generate spiritual resonance in perception and experience



    The design based on the owner’s basic demands and the site conditions, takes "the colorful flying, growing halo" as the design concept to construct a lively and imaginative colorful space, which means the vigorous development and brilliance of the campus construction. Also a prospect to the radiant childhood and bright future of the students.









    1.The reading room is close to the building entrance and the square, but due to the relief wall enclosed by the side, the indoor is dark and not conducive to ventilation.

    2.The surface of the building entrance lacks features, and the relief wall is relatively isolated from the glass, which cannot form an overall landscape interface.


    1.Remove the relief wall, and design rotatable colored floor-to-ceiling glass grille to the whole surface, which breaks the rational rigidity of the glass facade ,realizes the sunlight entering the indoor ,and ensures the eventilation.

    2.Add the top grille decoration to unify the glass ,and combine the guiding logo motto as a whole to form a good surface for the entrance.

    3.The front platform is stepped and extended to form a colorful seatable platform. The minimalist and modern platform realizes the linkage of flexible indoor and outdoor multi-functional spaces.

    把光折叠、摊开,于是就有了“Colorful deck”

    △Fold and unfold the light, and there will be a "Colorful deck"

    把光折叠、摊开,于是就有了“Colorful deck”

    △Fold and unfold the light, and there will be a "Colorful deck


    △God said that there must be light, "Bring the light in and it becomes heaven."

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